3 Types of Coaching: What You Need to Know

When it comes to training, there are three main styles that have been identified by Rainer Martens in his book, Successful Coaching. These styles, which are known as command style, submissive style and cooperative style, each have their own advantages, disadvantages and uses. It's important to understand all three in order to make the best decision for your situation. The command style of coaching is based on the coach giving direct instructions and expecting them to be followed. This type of coaching is often used in sports, where the coach is trying to get the team to perform at their best.

The coach will give clear instructions and expect them to be followed without question. This type of coaching can be effective in certain situations, but it can also lead to a lack of creativity and initiative from the team. The submissive style of coaching is based on the coach allowing the team to make their own decisions. This type of coaching is often used in business settings, where the coach is trying to help the team come up with creative solutions to problems. The coach will provide guidance and support, but ultimately allow the team to make their own decisions.

This type of coaching can be effective in certain situations, but it can also lead to a lack of direction and focus. The cooperative style of coaching is based on the coach and team working together to achieve a common goal. This type of coaching is often used in educational settings, where the coach is trying to help the team learn new skills and knowledge. The coach will provide guidance and support, while also allowing the team to take ownership of their learning. This type of coaching can be effective in certain situations, but it can also lead to a lack of accountability from the team. Finally, mindfulness coaching is based on the philosophy of mindfulness by promoting a type of awareness in which a person pays attention to their feelings and thoughts in the moment, without judging them.

This type of coaching can be effective in certain situations, but it can also lead to a lack of focus and clarity. No matter which type of coaching you choose, it's important to understand all three styles so that you can make an informed decision about which one is best for your situation. Each style has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider all three before making a decision. As an expert in coaching, I recommend that you take some time to research each style before making a decision. Consider what your goals are for your team or organization and then decide which style will best help you achieve those goals. With careful consideration and research, you can make an informed decision about which type of coaching will work best for you.